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3M E-A-RLINK Foam Insert Eartips - SIZE 3C / 24 pcs

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SKU A28 3M Fom earpieces yellow pk 24

The E-A-RLINK™ 3C is a 1/2 inch height Large size (17.8mm) diameter yellow foam disposable/single-use eartip with black tube for use with the E-A-RTONE™ 3A and 5A Insert Earphone.

By directly coupling to the test subject's ear canal, via disposable foam E-A-RLINK™ eartips, the E-A-RTONE™ 3A and 5A Insert Earphone for audiometric testing provide both performance and reliability advantages over traditional supra aural earphones. Benefits (in comparison to supra aural/TDH style earphones) include:

Improved ambient noise attenuation
Greater interaural attenuation
Facilitated infection control (via disposable eartips)
Elimination of collapsed canal artifact
Better Test/Re-test Reliability
Reduced Occlusion Effect for BC testing